Articles / Riding Safely on Your New Motorcycle

Riding Safely on Your New Motorcycle

Motorcycle Safety Tips Articles from Destination Powersports

Riding a motorcycle offers a freedom you can't get anywhere else, but it's a freedom that comes at a cost. Namely, riding a motorcycle is higher stakes than driving a car because a motorcycle offers no safety features besides what's on your body and in your mind. For that reason, it's crucial that you have a safety-oriented mindset whenever you climb on two wheels. Here at Destination Powersports, we take your safety seriously. We've assembled this short guide to give you some pointers to keep in mind before you ride. If you need anything else, such as parts or service on your motorcycle, we can provide that, too. Our Punta Gorda location has everything you need to have fun on two wheels and keep safe doing it.

Inspection Before Your First Ride

Before you ride, take a moment to walk around your bike and inspect everything you can. Run your eyes over every component, including the engine, the transmission, the suspension, and the brakes and wheels. Look for any leaking fluids or damaged parts. Make sure there is no debris stuck in the frame or engine. Check out the tires to make sure they are properly inflated, and test them with a pressure gauge. Be confident that everything is in good, working order before you bet your life that it is.

Purchase the Proper Equipment

Should something happen while you ride your motorcycle, the only thing that will protect you from impact is what's on your body. Many people choose to wear specific riding gear. This type of apparel is often extremely thick and sturdy to protect the wearer from road rash. It may also feature elbow or knee pads for further protection. Make sure you also have strong footwear. Riding with sandals isn't very bright. Instead, find a pair of quality boots or leather shoes. Finally, and most importantly, find the right helmet. Although there are many sizes, shapes, and styles, remember that the most important thing is that it correctly fits your head. You should also make some plan for eye protection. Many prefer helmets with face shields, but you may decide that a helmet with an open face in combination with your favorite pair of sunglasses works just fine.

Be Aware of Your Surroundings

Being aware of your surroundings in a motorcycle is even more important than it is when you're in a car because when you're on a motorcycle, people might not see you. Remember, the majority of motorcycle accidents involve another vehicle, and it's best to assume that other motorists don't see you. Keep an eye out for vehicles trying to merge into your lane or pull out in front of you. Keep your head on a swivel at all times!

Weather Conditions

The weather plays a major role in how and when you can ride your motorcycle. Before setting out on your bike, always check the weather report for wherever you're going. It may be in your best interest to keep rain gear in your saddlebags or backpack at all times, as getting even a little bit wet while riding will make you extremely cold extremely fast. If you're going on a long ride during the summer, you might consider purchasing a backpack with a hydration system for hands-free drinking.

Dress for Success

As mentioned in sections above, your clothes are very important when you ride. It's better to wear long pants when riding to protect your legs from road debris and brushes with hot exhaust pipes. Long sleeve shirts can be superior to t-shirts as they will protect you from debris and sunburn. If you prefer to wear riding gear, understand that there are multiple options. Leather riding gear is common for its strength, but synthetic materials can be a good option, too.

Ride Sober

Possibly the most important thing you can do to keep safe while riding is monitor what you put in your body before you leave. Alcohol is involved in a disproportionate number of crashes every year, and motorcycles are no exception. Recreational drugs are another obvious thing to avoid before riding. Make sure also to avoid riding while using prescription drugs that have psychoactive effects. Consult with your doctor before riding your motorcycle on a new drug.

Keep these tips in mind when you're considering heading out for a ride. Here at Destination Powersports in Punta Gorda, Florida, we want to make sure you get where you're going as safely as possible. If you need parts or services, bring your bike to our showroom. We proudly serve cities like Fort Myers and Cape Coral, too, and we want to help make sure your bike is in optimum riding shape.

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